Dear Nanopore Community,
With our first release of May, we are delighted to introduce two new workflows. We are also updating a number of other workflows to fix issues and enable better functionality on computers with ARM processors.
wf-somatic-variation (v0.1.0) is our new workflow for the analysis of somatic variation from paired tumour/normal sequence data. This workflow processes a pair of tumour/normal BAM files, prepares quality statistics and identifies candidate SNVs and short Indels using the ClairS software. The workflow generates two reports showing:
wf-amplicon (v0.1.0). This workflow facilitates the analysis of reads generated from one or multiple amplicons. After some pre-processing (filtering, trimming, downsampling), reads are aligned to a reference (containing the expected sequence for each amplicon). Variant calling is also performed using Medaka. The workflow analyses demultiplexed data and has been designed to work with our Native Barcoding kits. The generated report presents for each sample:
wf-single-cell (v0.2.3) is our workflow for the analysis of single cell transcriptomics data. This contains two changes:
wf-metagenomics (v2.2.0) is a workflow for the analysis of metagenomic sequence data. The workflow has been updated to run natively on ARM devices, notably recent Apple M1 and M2 processors. The workflow should now be considerably faster when running on such devices. Other updates include:
.wf-pore-c (v0.0.4) receives a small update to fix the handling of modified base information during the digest step and a fix to the Chromunity output handling.
Finally wf-clone-validation (v0.3.0), our plasmid assembly and annotation workflow has been amended to use Flye instead of Canu for the initial assembly step.
We would welcome any feedback - especially for our new amplicon and somatic variation workflows.
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