We are excited to share these datasets which can be used to explore features of some of our workflows and the EPI2ME Desktop Application.
You may have seen one of our posters at an event (like London Calling 2024) and followed a link to find the dataset that was featured in the poster. Alternatively, please take a look at the associated posters linked below.
Also, please see the tutorials page for information on downloading the datasets.
At London Calling 2024 we are making available a suite of datasets to illustrate how routine and simple biological questions may be answered with Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ sequencing devices and data analysis through bioinformatics workflows provided through EPI2ME.
Data set | Description | Download address | Associated poster | EPI2ME Workflow |
ZymoBIOMICS Fecal Reference | High diversity metagenomic sample to perform gut microbiome studies from ZymoBIOMICS | s3://ont-open-data/londoncalling2024/zymo-metagenomics | A straightforward approach to find out what is in your sample. | wf-metagenomics |
Plasmid | Demultiplexed plasmid samples (5 replicates) containing an inserted sequence of 7mers | s3://ont-open-data/londoncalling2024/rbk-plasmid | Validating a molecular cloning experiment using de novo assembly of nanopore reads. | wf-clone-validation |
Lambda and E. coli | Selection of 5 amplicons with lengths between 500 and 5000 bp (0.5, 1, 2 and 5 kb from Lambda phage 1kb from E .coli) | s3://ont-open-data/londoncalling2024/lambda-ecoli-amplicons | Quick and simple analysis of PCR products with Nanopore reads. | wf-amplicon |
All of our workflows include a demonstration dataset available through the “Run with demo data” option in our EPI2ME Desktop application, and detailed in the workflow source code repositories. We also have many other open data sets available here. Moreover, you can find example reports and links to extensive explanatory documentation for each of our workflows here.
For additional information or questions regarding any of these resources please contact support@nanoporetech.com.
We hope that these datasets and posters provide a useful resource to the community!
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