Feedback from EPI2ME Labs users revealed the desired for people to be able to control the running of the EPI2ME Labs notebook server from the command-line without opening a graphical user interface. Such users are typically running the server on a different, and more computationall capable, computer from where they are using the notebook web interface.
With the v1.0.8 release of the launcher we have introduced the ability to start, stop, and check the status of the EPI2ME Labs notebook server from the command-line. The application is install to
on Linux systems. On Ubuntu systems this is aliased as two commands, labslauncher
, installed to:
which is typically listed in the PATH
environment variable.
Running the EPI2ME-Labs-Launcher
(or labslauncher
shortcut) will run the standard
EPI2ME Labs Launcher with a graphic interface, and with logging to the terminal. However
/usr/local/bin/EPI2ME-Labs-Launcher/EPI2ME-Labs-Launcher manager --help
(or simply labsmanager --help
on Ubuntu) will initiate a simple command-line interface.
The interface has the following commands:
--start Start the server.--restart Restart the server.--stop Stop a running server and cleanup resources.--status Report server status.--update Update server.
all of which should be fairly self-explanatory. The program will alert users if
updates are available for the server or for the program itself. The last
command in the above can be used to update the notebook server component. For
updates to the Launcher application users should continue to download these
from the downloads page. (Users on Oxford Nanopore Technologies
sequencing devices can also upgrade the Launcher through apt
When starting an EPI2ME Labs notebook server the full array of options
available in the graphical application are available to be set; running the
command will display these. In contrast to the graphical interface,
when using the command-line options are not stored in the applications settings
for subsequent use: users wishing to override the default value of options must
supply these options every time the program is run. This provides a more
natural command-line interface.
We hope that users will find the new command-line interface useful and look forward to feedback.
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