As much as we’d like the process of running the Labslauncher as seamless as possible sometimes errors pop up --- whether this be due to something fun in your local setup or a bug that has snuck in!
In order for us to quickly assess the situation when you contact us either via our github issues page or a customer services representative - please include your log file. The log file is an automatic record of any errors that pop up during the run time of the launcher. Including this file will make it much easier for us to assess your case as quick as possible!
First open the windows File Explorer
Click the box highlighted above and paste in this file path:
This will take you to the correct folder - please include “labslauncher” file you find in this folder in any help tickets you raise.
Right click the Finder icon then select “Go to Folder…”
This will open the “Go to Folder” dialogue box where you can paste in:
This will open a Finder window at this path where you should see labslauncher.log
Just as a tip, you can open any path (and most files!) using the open
in terminal. In order to open the ~/.labslauncher
directory (folder) you can
type the following in terminal
open ~/.labslauncher/
Or if you would like to open up the log itself to read it you can run:
open ~/.labslauncher/labslauncher.log
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