Nextflow workflow for AAV vector quality control.
This workflow takes reads sequenced from adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector preps and does some basic quality control checks. The main stages of the workflow are:
Recommended requirements:
Minimum requirements:
Approximate run time: 15 minutes per sample - 150k reads and 8 cpus
ARM processor support: False
These are instructions to install and run the workflow on command line. You can also access the workflow via the EPI2ME Desktop application.
The workflow uses Nextflow to manage compute and software resources, therefore Nextflow will need to be installed before attempting to run the workflow.
The workflow can currently be run using either
or Singularity
to provide isolation of the required software.
Both methods are automated out-of-the-box provided
either Docker or Singularity is installed.
This is controlled by the
parameter as exemplified below.
It is not required to clone or download the git repository in order to run the workflow. More information on running EPI2ME workflows can be found on our website.
The following command can be used to obtain the workflow. This will pull the repository in to the assets folder of Nextflow and provide a list of all parameters available for the workflow as well as an example command:
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-aav-qc --help
To update a workflow to the latest version on the command line use the following command:
nextflow pull epi2me-labs/wf-aav-qc
A demo dataset is provided for testing of the workflow. It can be downloaded and unpacked using the following commands:
wget -xzvf wf-aav-qc-demo.tar.gz
The workflow can then be run with the downloaded demo data using:
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-aav-qc \--fastq 'wf-aav-qc-demo/simulated_reads.fq' \--itr1_end 156 \--itr1_start 11 \--itr2_end 2286 \--itr2_start 2156 \--ref_helper 'wf-aav-qc-demo/helper.fasta' \--ref_host 'wf-aav-qc-demo/cell_line.fasta.gz' \--ref_rep_cap 'wf-aav-qc-demo/repcap.fasta' \--ref_transgene_plasmid 'wf-aav-qc-demo/transgene.fasta' \-profile standard
For further information about running a workflow on the command line see
This workflow is designed to take input sequences that have been produced from Oxford Nanopore Technologies devices using this protocol:
This workflow accepts either FASTQ or BAM files as input.
The FASTQ or BAM input parameters for this workflow accept one of three cases: (i) the path to a single FASTQ or BAM file; (ii) the path to a top-level directory containing FASTQ or BAM files; (iii) the path to a directory containing one level of sub-directories which in turn contain FASTQ or BAM files. In the first and second cases (i and ii), a sample name can be supplied with --sample
. In the last case (iii), the data is assumed to be multiplexed with the names of the sub-directories as barcodes. In this case, a sample sheet can be provided with --sample_sheet
(i) (ii) (iii)input_reads.fastq ─── input_directory ─── input_directory├── reads0.fastq ├── barcode01└── reads1.fastq │ ├── reads0.fastq│ └── reads1.fastq├── barcode02│ ├── reads0.fastq│ ├── reads1.fastq│ └── reads2.fastq└── barcode03└── reads0.fastq
Nextflow parameter name | Type | Description | Help | Default |
fastq | string | FASTQ files to use in the analysis. | This accepts one of three cases: (i) the path to a single FASTQ file; (ii) the path to a top-level directory containing FASTQ files; (iii) the path to a directory containing one level of sub-directories which in turn contain FASTQ files. In the first and second case, a sample name can be supplied with --sample . In the last case, the data is assumed to be multiplexed with the names of the sub-directories as barcodes. In this case, a sample sheet can be provided with --sample_sheet . | |
bam | string | BAM or unaligned BAM (uBAM) files to use in the analysis. | This accepts one of three cases: (i) the path to a single BAM file; (ii) the path to a top-level directory containing BAM files; (iii) the path to a directory containing one level of sub-directories which in turn contain BAM files. In the first and second case, a sample name can be supplied with --sample . In the last case, the data is assumed to be multiplexed with the names of the sub-directories as barcodes. In this case, a sample sheet can be provided with --sample_sheet . | |
analyse_unclassified | boolean | Analyse unclassified reads from input directory. By default the workflow will not process reads in the unclassified directory. | If selected and if the input is a multiplex directory the workflow will also process the unclassified directory. | False |
itr_fl_threshold | integer | The maximum number of bases missing from an ITR in order for it to be classed as a full length ITR. | For ITR1, this many bases can be missing from the end of the ITR region. For ITR2, this many bases can be missing from the start of the ITR region. | 100 |
itr_backbone_threshold | integer | The maximum number of bases and alignment is allowed to extended outside of the ITR-ITR region for an associated read to not be classed as backbone . | Reads mapping to the transgene plasmid sometimes extend beyond the ITRs. This parameter sets a maximum number or bases after which the read is classified as backbone . | 20 |
itr1_start | integer | The start position of ITR1. | ||
itr1_end | integer | The end position of ITR2. | ||
itr2_start | integer | The start position of ITR2. | ||
itr2_end | integer | The end position of ITR2. | ||
symmetry_threshold | integer | The threshold to consider whether the start or end positions on opposite strands are classed as symmetrical or asymmetrical. | For certain categories of AAV genome type we want to test whether alignments on both strands are symmetrical or asymmetrical (i.e. whether the start and end positions are approximately the same or not) This parameter sets the threshold for this comparison. | 10 |
ref_host | string | The reference FASTA file for the host organism (.fasta/fasta.gz). | ||
ref_helper | string | The helper plasmid FASTA file. | ||
ref_rep_cap | string | The rep/cap plasmid FASTA file. | ||
ref_transgene_plasmid | string | The transgene plasmid FASTA file. |
Nextflow parameter name | Type | Description | Help | Default |
sample_sheet | string | A CSV file used to map barcodes to sample aliases. The sample sheet can be provided when the input data is a directory containing sub-directories with FASTQ files. | The sample sheet is a CSV file with, minimally, columns named barcode and alias . Extra columns are allowed. A type column is required for certain workflows and should have the following values; test_sample , positive_control , negative_control , no_template_control . | |
sample | string | A single sample name for non-multiplexed data. Permissible if passing a single .fastq(.gz) file or directory of .fastq(.gz) files. |
Nextflow parameter name | Type | Description | Help | Default |
out_dir | string | Directory for output of all workflow results. | output | |
output_genometype_bams | boolean | If true, output a BAM file per identified AAV genome structure type. Otherwise output a BAM file per sample. | Output individual BAM files by the assigned genome type. | False |
Nextflow parameter name | Type | Description | Help | Default |
override_basecaller_cfg | string | Override auto-detected basecaller model that processed the signal data; used to select an appropriate Medaka model. | Per default, the workflow tries to determine the basecall model from the input data. This parameter can be used to override the detected value (or to provide a model name if none was found in the inputs). However, users should only do this if they know for certain which model was used as selecting the wrong option might give sub-optimal results. A list of recent models can be found here: |
Nextflow parameter name | Type | Description | Help | Default |
threads | integer | Maximum number of CPU threads for a process to consume. Applies to the minimap2 mapping and the AAV structure determination stages. | A minimap2 and AAV structure determination process per sample will be will be run. This setting applies a maximum number of threads to be used for each of these. | 4 |
Output files may be aggregated including information for all samples or provided per sample. Per-sample files will be prefixed with respective aliases and represented below as {{ alias }}.
Title | File path | Description | Per sample or aggregated |
Workflow report | ./wf-aav-qc-report.html | Report for all samples | aggregated |
Combined reference sequence | ./combined_reference.fa.gz | Reference file containing all AAV plasmid and host genome sequences. | aggregated |
Combined reference sequence index | ./combined_reference.fa.gz.fai | Index file for combined reference FASTA. | aggregated |
Compressed combined reference sequence index | ./combined_reference.fa.gz.gzi | Extra index file for combined reference FASTA (required because combined reference is bgzip-compressed). | aggregated |
Per read alignment info | ./{{ alias }}/{{ alias }}_bam_info.tsv | The result of seqkit bam . | per-sample |
AAV structure assignment | ./{{ alias }}/{{ alias }}_aav_per_read_info.tsv | AAV per read genome subtypes. | per-sample |
Transgene plasmid consensus | ./{{ alias }}/{{ alias }}_transgene_plasmid_consensus.fasta.gz | The transgene plasmid consensus sequence generated by medaka. | per-sample |
Transgene plasmid variants | ./{{ alias }}/{{ alias }}_transgene_plasmid_variants.vcf.gz | The transgene plasmid variants file generated by medaka. | per-sample |
Alignment file | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/sorted.tagged.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. | per-sample |
Alignment index file | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/sorted.tagged.bam.bai | The index for the resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. | per-sample |
backbone_contamination alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/backbone_contamination.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: backbone_contamination | per-sample |
backbone_contamination alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/backbone_contamination.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: backbone_contamination | per-sample |
full_ssaav alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/full_ssaav.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: full_ssaav | per-sample |
full_ssaav alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/full_ssaav.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: full_ssaav | per-sample |
partial_ssaav alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/partial_ssaav.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: partial_ssaav | per-sample |
partial_ssaav alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/partial_ssaav.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: partial_ssaav | per-sample |
full_scaav alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/full_scaav.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: full_scaav | per-sample |
full_scaav alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/full_scaav.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: full_scaav | per-sample |
itr_region_only alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/itr_region_only.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: itr_region_only | per-sample |
itr_region_only alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/itr_region_only.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: itr_region_only | per-sample |
complex alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/complex.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: complex | per-sample |
complex alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/complex.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: complex | per-sample |
partial_scaav alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/partial_scaav.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: partial_scaav | per-sample |
partial_scaav alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/partial_scaav.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: partial_scaav | per-sample |
unknown alignment | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/unknown.bam | The resulting tagged BAM file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This file contains alignmnets with the genotype assignment: unknown | per-sample |
unknown alignment index | ./{{ alias }}/tagged_bams/unknown.bam.bai | The resulting tagged BAM index file from mapping reads to the combined reference. This indexes the file containing alignments with the genotype assignment: unknown | per-sample |
IGV config JSON file | ./igv.json | JSON file with IGV config options to be used by the EPI2ME Desktop Application. | aggregated |
The following (Fig.1) is a basic schematic of the workflow:
Reads can originate from the transgene cassette, but can also come from the other plasmids used in the rAAV prep as well as host cell DNA. Therefore, a combined reference is created that contains the following reference sequences:
The transgene plasmid ITR cassette will naturally exist in four orientations.
(termed flip-flip, flip-flop, flop-flop and flop-flip; see Fig.2)
This can lead to incorrect mapping of reads. To address this, the variable regions in the transgene cassette are masked.
This is done by taking the input transgene plasmid and locating the two ITR regions as defined in the --transgene_annotation
file. The C'
, C
, B'
and B
ITR regions are identified for each ITR. From these regions it can be determined which positions are constant between orientations and which are variable, and will be masked.
The reads are mapped to the combined reference using minimap2 (secondary alignments are excluded).
seqkit bam
is used to generate alignment summaries that are used in the rest of the workflow.
Reads that do not map to the transgene expression cassette are classified as contaminants. They can arise from
. If there are a large proportion of reads
in this category, it may warrant further investigation to identify the source.Depth of coverage is generated for the transgene cassette region using samtools depth
A plot of this data is shown which indicates whether sufficient coverage has been
achieved across the transgene cassette.
Transgene plasmid variants are called using medaka, producing a VCF file that is used to generate a consensus sequence using bcftool concensus
The workflow selects the appropriate Medaka models based on the basecaller configuration that was used to process the signal data.
By default, the workflow will attempt to determine the basecaller model from the input data.
When this fails (or when you wish to override the automatic selection), it can be provided with --override_basecaller_cfg
The ‘start’ and ‘end’ positions of alignments that map within the transgene cassette are plotted to highlight potential regions where sequences are becoming truncated.
The rAAV transgene expression cassette will ideally exist as full length ITR-flanked regions. However, subgenomic particles will be present in any prep, and it can be useful to know the abundance of the various genome types, which is the aim of this stage of the workflow. Genome types are assigned to each read by applying a series of heuristics that use the characteristics of each alignment from the read.
There are two user-adjustable parameters relevant to this part of the workflow:
(default 100). This parameter specifies the maximum number of bases missing from an ITR in order for it to be classed as a full length ITR. --itr_backbone_threshold
(default 20). Reads mapping to the transgene plasmid sometimes extend beyond the ITRs. This parameter sets a maximum number of bases after which the read is classified as backbone
.See the AAV structures section for some representative diagrams of AAV gene structures and how they are classified.
At this stage, the BAM alignment files are tagged with AV:Z
which associates each alignment with an assigned genotype, in the format AV:Z:full_ssaav
If —gtype_bams is set to true
, these tagged BAMs are split on this tag into separate BAM files.
If the workflow fails please run it with the demo data set to ensure the workflow itself is working. This will help us determine if the issue is related to the environment, input parameters or a bug.
See how to interpret some common nextflow exit codes here.
Please ensure that the ITR-ITR cassette region spans and contiguous range in the transgene plasmid reference sequence. (i.e. ITR1 sequence should precede the ITR2 sequence)
If your question is not answered here, please report any issues or suggestions on the github issues page or start a discussion on the community.
See the EPI2ME website for lots of other resources and blog posts
The following diagrams illustrate some of the possible genome type configurations that can be found in an rAAV prep. Different types of subgenomic structures can be formed by numerous different combinations of truncations and the examples are representative examples only.
The first of these is an annotated example describing the components of the image.
Contains a single alignment including both ITRs (up to itr_fl_threshold
bases missing)
A subgenomic type of ssAAV where part of the transgene expression cassette, internal to the ITRs, is deleted. This class will have two alignments both on the same strand.
Another subgenomic type of ssAAV where one side contains a full ITR (up to itr_fl_threshold
bases missing) and the ITR is partial or missing on the other side.
Contains a full or partial ITR (up to itr_fl_threshold
bases missing) on both ends of the alignments
An scAAV subtype where only the left or right ITR region is retained. Reads of this category will have two alignments on opposite strands. These can be symmetric or asymmetric based the relative starts and end positions at the non-ITR end of the transgene cassette.
A type of SBG genome (scAAV) in which ITRs present on one strand only or have a single ITR (no mid section) on second strand.
These scAAV subgenomic particles contain only ITR sequence and can be full or partial.
Theis category contains regions from the plasmid backbone, where the start and/or end positions of the alignment are found outside the ITR-ITR region.
The complex category contains reads with n alignments >= 3
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